Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

ONVIF Streamlines, Expands Interoperability Work with Open Source Development

SAN RAMON, Calif. – July 15, 2020. ONVIF®, the leading global standardization initiative for IP-based physical security products, announces it is implementing open source for its network interface specifications for physical security technology. The move will streamline administrative and collaborative processes while also leveraging the collective ingenuity of the global developer community. ONVIF interoperability specifications are already publicly available as open standards…

4 Twitter Hacks You Should Know


By Rachel Peck With social media offering new updates, functions and algorithm adjustments daily, it can be difficult to stay on top of it. This is especially true for small organizations who are just starting to explore these channels. However, a little knowledge can go a long way to elevating your brand – especially with channels like Twitter. If you’ve found yourself…

Developing a Social Media Crisis Checklist


By Rachel Peck If the past few months have taught us anything, it’s that you can never be too prepared when it comes to internal and external communications. While many organizations are reevaluating their crisis communications, some might believe they don’t need to prioritize their social media. However, this isn’t the case. For many businesses, social media is often the first touchpoint…

Navigating the new workplace norm


By Rachel Peck Eclipse Media Group is slowly starting to integrate back into our physical office space after nearly three months working entirely remotely. Like so many others, we found ourselves quickly thrown into a fully remote working environment, but now are faced with a very different office landscape. New questions arise, as we start the process of moving back – such…

Security & Safety Things offers COVID-19 video analytics solutions for retailers

10 June, 2020 — Security & Safety Things GmbH (S&ST), together with its partners, is offering packages of smart security cameras and video analytic solutions designed to provide retailers with immediate solutions to practical challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 things you didn’t know security cameras could do

3 June, 2020 — As the world shifts to accommodate post COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, smart camera system capabilities will continue to grow in importance and demand. Wherever crowds of people come together, conventional video surveillance and human control reach their limits – especially when tasked with social distancing requirements and occupancy limitations.

Intern Spotlight: Ariel Hanelius

meet the team_ariel blog

The team at Eclipse Media Group was lucky to begin the year with a new intern from the University of Southern Maine (USM) to help us prepare for a busy events season. However, like so many other agencies and interns, after a few weeks of in-office experience, our new intern found herself working from her family home in Connecticut – learning the…

Security & Safety Things sparks new era in video surveillance with commercial availability of supported cameras

Munich, May 20, 2020 — Security & Safety Things GmbH (S&ST) is set to reshape innovation in video analytics and computer vision with the commercial availability of a number of new smart IP security cameras, from a variety of vendors, that leverage the Security & Safety Things open and secure IoT platform. This new generation of security cameras will operate using the free S&ST camera operating system, which enables the cameras to run multiple AI-enabled applications in parallel. The apps automate the analysis of video data to produce valuable operational intelligence for business optimization as well as provide easy to deploy tools that can aid in re-opening measures from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let’s Get Virtual

emgblog - lets get virtual

By Rachel Peck Most of our human interaction moved into the virtual realm literally overnight. However, it’s time to start looking beyond present circumstances to begin planning for long-term approaches to this new reality. With many events either canceled or postponed for the remainder of 2020, it raises questions as to how businesses can pivot successfully to a virtual space, without losing…

3 Reasons PR Pros Should Digitally Detox

Digital Detoxing for PR Pros

By Rachel Peck Our digital devices and social media have significantly impacted our personal and professional lives in many positive ways. However, they often act as a distraction – instead of promoting good work and personal life habits. We could all use a break from our screens from time to time, as taking a step away from devices and apps can help…