Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

4 Podcasts for Communications Professionals

4 podcasts for communications professionals

By Rachel Peck If you’re a professional who relied on your daily commute as your podcast time, you’re not alone. Whether your commute was 10 minutes or two hours, that uninterrupted travel time is somewhat of a blessing and a curse. It’s the perfect time to catch up on an audiobook, podcast or calling family members. However, just because you’re no longer…

Remote Work Tools to Boost Productivity

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By Rachel Peck If you’re finding yourself missing your desk, the daily conversations with coworkers and the general noise of an office environment, you’re probably not alone. It can be difficult to find a new rhythm and feel productive in this new remote working situation – especially if you work best in a collaborative workspace. However, feeling connected, while working apart from…

Best Quarantine Social Media Channels

best quarantine social media channels

By Rachel Peck If social media wasn’t popular enough, the past few weeks have seen it come into its full potential. Not only has it become one of the primary sources of news during the COVID-19 crisis, but with millions of people finding themselves sequestered in their homes, the quarantine is breathing life into older channels, and pushing newer ones to the…

3 Ways to be a Responsible Crisis Communicator

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By Rachel Peck As communicators, we have a responsibility to disseminate information responsibly, both internally and externally. With the constant stream of news, and “social media reporters,” it’s easy to get caught up in the panic that accompanies an overwhelming amount of negative information. However, both professionally and personally, it’s our duty as responsible PR professionals to take a step back, evaluate…

Crisis Communications: Webinars for PR Agencies

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By Rachel Peck The team here at Eclipse Media Group, like so many others, is settling in fully to remote working and practicing social distancing – due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In both our personal and professional lives, we are all in uncharted territory. How many of us have actionable plans in place in case of a global pandemic? However, as PR…

So You’re Traveling to a Trade Show

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By Rachel Peck Heading to a trade show or event? Whether you’re a seasoned attendee, or a new PR and marketing professional heading to your first event, you should take time to ensure you and your clients are as prepared as possible for a few very hectic days. From comfortable footwear to media briefings, here are EMG’s top trade show planning tips:…

Why B2Bs Should Start an Instagram


By Rachel Peck While many B2B businesses disregarded Instagram as being an irrelevant social media channel years ago, times have changed – as well as audience preferences. Starting an Instagram account might not have been applicable a few years ago, but data now shows B2Bs should consider leveraging the benefits of this social media platform.  In 2020, more than 70 percent of…

How To Stay Productive While Working from Home

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By Rachel Peck The last few years have seen a shift in workplace norms. Once an office only, cubicle friendly society, workspaces are beginning to look very different. Many employers are either offering designated “work from home” days, or only employ remote workers. Whether you’re experienced in maintaining a home office environment, or adjusting to this new perk, Eclipse Media Group has…

5 Tips for Starting a Blog

5 Tips for Starting a Blog

By Rachel Peck Many organizations still think blogging isn’t relevant or achievable for their business model, however that’s simply not true. Not only will a blog position you as a subject expert in your field, it’s an easy way to improve your search engine ranking and boost website visits. Blogs also provide useful evergreen content for your social media channels. With this…

Our 2020 New Year’s Resolutions

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With the new decade just days away, Eclipse Media Group put together a few of our resolutions for 2020. Beyond eating less takeout, exercising more or trying (and ultimately failing) to drink less caffeine – we’re hoping these small goals will help us start the year focused. We’re also keeping in mind that setting too many New Year’s resolutions, especially unattainable ones,…