Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

PR Planning Tips for 2021

PR Planning Tips for 2021

By Rachel Peck Well, we’ve made it to December, which in 2020 is a feat unto itself. In the past, communications professionals would’ve started planning for the new year by October – setting up public relations strategies and marketing campaigns for the coming year, as well as researching trends and planning content. However, long-term planning for 2020 – and into 2021- presents…

Finding plenty to be grateful for in 2020


Like everyone else, we at Eclipse Media Group didn’t have the year we planned, but we’re lucky to still have plenty to be grateful for this year. We adopted new pets, spent lots of time playing outside and even started experimenting with a little homesteading. We consider ourselves lucky to have been able to savor a few moments of peace and joy…

5 Home Office Tools We’re Thankful For This Year

five home office tools we're thankful for

By Rachel Peck This time last year, we wrote a blog on four PR and marketing tools we were thankful for, but so much can certainly change in 12 short (long) months. As we head into Thanksgiving week, we’re reflecting on how our personal and work lives have changed, as well as the landscape of the holiday season. More than ever, we’re…

3 Tips for Managing Burnout

EMG Blog - Managing Burnout

By Rachel Peck Here in Maine, we’ve soundly turned the corner from fall and are heading steadily towards winter. While we’d typically be preparing for the holidays, regrouping after a busy event season and prepping for mid-winter shows, this year is, of course, very different. The sunny and dry summer and fall months afforded us some sense of normalcy, making it easy…

Making the most of your LinkedIn


Perhaps no social media channel is as popular in professional circles than LinkedIn. With more than 700 million users in more than 200 countries, its networking potential is unmatched – making it a crucial tool during this time of distanced engagement with industry peers and coworkers. However, LinkedIn is no longer just a platform for users to boast personal achievements and search…

4 Twitter Hacks You Should Know


By Rachel Peck With social media offering new updates, functions and algorithm adjustments daily, it can be difficult to stay on top of it. This is especially true for small organizations who are just starting to explore these channels. However, a little knowledge can go a long way to elevating your brand – especially with channels like Twitter. If you’ve found yourself…

Intern Spotlight: Ariel Hanelius

meet the team_ariel blog

The team at Eclipse Media Group was lucky to begin the year with a new intern from the University of Southern Maine (USM) to help us prepare for a busy events season. However, like so many other agencies and interns, after a few weeks of in-office experience, our new intern found herself working from her family home in Connecticut – learning the…

Let’s Get Virtual

emgblog - lets get virtual

By Rachel Peck Most of our human interaction moved into the virtual realm literally overnight. However, it’s time to start looking beyond present circumstances to begin planning for long-term approaches to this new reality. With many events either canceled or postponed for the remainder of 2020, it raises questions as to how businesses can pivot successfully to a virtual space, without losing…

3 Reasons PR Pros Should Digitally Detox

Digital Detoxing for PR Pros

By Rachel Peck Our digital devices and social media have significantly impacted our personal and professional lives in many positive ways. However, they often act as a distraction – instead of promoting good work and personal life habits. We could all use a break from our screens from time to time, as taking a step away from devices and apps can help…

Why PR is More Important than Ever

Importance of PR_May 2020 Blog

By Rachel Peck The disruption of industries across the world, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has made it clear that businesses and organizations need to clearly communicate with audiences and employees, renewing the importance of transparent, authentic communication. Beyond crisis communications and management, a good PR strategy will be more important than ever, as it will assist you in setting the groundwork…