Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

Is Networking Still Possible in 2020?


By Rachel Peck Networking, like many of our usual business functions, is looking a little different these days. By this time last year, we had no doubt traveled to many industry events, and spent many evenings swapping stories and sharing ideas with like minded individuals. Now the idea of ordering from a bar, let alone eating from a buffet with a few…

2019 Social Media Takeaways

2019 social media takaways blog

By Rachel Peck As 2019 draws to a close and we look back on the year, there are a few standout social media trends. Only seeming to grow stronger each year, social media was once a tool used to enhance a brand’s presence, however 2019 saw its importance further elevated. Social media, beyond Facebook and LinkedIn, are officially must-haves for every brand’s…