Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

Email Marketing Best Practices: Boost Your Campaigns with These Proven Strategies

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for building and maintaining relationships with customers. Not only does email marketing help to drive sales, including driving customers to your website, but it is also a proven and cost-effective method for providing consistent information to customers.  However, to generate the best results, it’s essential to follow several best practices that ensure campaigns…

3 Reasons PR Pros Should Digitally Detox

Digital Detoxing for PR Pros

By Rachel Peck Our digital devices and social media have significantly impacted our personal and professional lives in many positive ways. However, they often act as a distraction – instead of promoting good work and personal life habits. We could all use a break from our screens from time to time, as taking a step away from devices and apps can help…