Navigating the new workplace norm
By Rachel Peck Eclipse Media Group is slowly starting to integrate back into our physical office space after nearly three months working entirely remotely. Like so many others, we found ourselves quickly thrown into a fully remote working environment, but now are faced with a very different office landscape. New questions arise, as we start the process of moving back – such…
Security & Safety Things offers COVID-19 video analytics solutions for retailers
10 June, 2020 — Security & Safety Things GmbH (S&ST), together with its partners, is offering packages of smart security cameras and video analytic solutions designed to provide retailers with immediate solutions to practical challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.
5 things you didn’t know security cameras could do
3 June, 2020 — As the world shifts to accommodate post COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, smart camera system capabilities will continue to grow in importance and demand. Wherever crowds of people come together, conventional video surveillance and human control reach their limits – especially when tasked with social distancing requirements and occupancy limitations.